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Keeping a Gratitude Journal
There’s sometimes a lot to get riled up about. Or a funk that just lags and lags and lags can suck the life out of you. It’s hard to filter out the noise and negativity at times, and that’s why many are turning to gratitude journals. Gratitude journals can help relieve stress in an overwhelming world and your phone or tablet can be a conduit to a newfound sense of ease and wellbeing.
A few tips for maximizing your gratitude journal odyssey:
1. Make a conscious decision to become happier and more grateful. Don’t gloss over or just list. Really engage with the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘why’ of your feelings.
2. Focus on people. Relationships are what counts, so if you’re happy Aunty Emaline gave you’re a new tablet from Verizon, then elaborate on Emaline, not the tablet.
3. Get deductive. Think about what your life might be if you did not have certain blessings. Create an alternative universe and notice the vacuums created.
4. Pace yourself. Like an exercise routine, your interest can dissipate if you do too much too soon. Aim to journal once a week.
Some of us are notebook fetishists, but for those who prefer a more tech-savvy approach to gratitude chronicling, here are a few apps:
Attitude of Gratitude Journal, found in the Google Play Store, feels like social media. It is list-based, but you can easily use the burgeoning lists to delve deeply into a more nuanced topic. Load it onto your new Verizon Ellipsis 8, and make your gratitude musings fully portable. Get 50% off accessories using our codes with Verizon too.
Grid Diary in the Apple app store is a questionnaire-based diary platform that helps you engage with the most important questions of life interspersed in your daily happenings. Fully customize-able with a deft, user-friendly design, this app is sure to help you relish more of the good things in your life and perhaps elucidate new growth challenges. You won’t find the price too challenging. T-Mobile offers free shipping on orders of $25 or more using our codes.
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others,” said Cicero. Observe what good things can emerge from cultivating gratitude in your daily life. We’ll give you something to be grateful about, savings on mobile!