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New Year's Eve Safety Tips: 3 Ways To Ensure You Bring In 2016 With No Regrets
Celebrating the holidays? You may be putting your life at risk and be at a greater risk of serious injury. Here’s a few statistically proven ways you are more likely to die or be injured during the holidays than other times of the year.
1. People are more likely to die on Christmas and New Year’s Day in emergency rooms than any other time of year. Drunk driving was not a factor. There’s just an overall spike in deaths by natural causes. For some folks, keeping up the holiday merry-making is more important than a seeing to a nagging symptom of something more ominous.
2. Uncork the champagne with care. Champagne bottles contain more air pressure than that found in a car tire and can launch a cork at 50 miles per hour. Be sure the champagne is chilled and uncork away from everyone else to avoid eye injuries.
3. New Year’s Day is the deadliest day for pedestrian deaths, especially between 12 AM and 6 AM. New Year’s also has the fifth highest number of car crash deaths, so buckle up.
So to combat holiday doom and death, here’s a few must-have apps:
1. WebMD—Put it on your iPad from Verizon and check those symptoms you’ve been having before putting the turkey in the oven.
2. YouTube—There are hundreds of videos on how to uncork champagne properly, including how to uncork with a knife, sword or saber.
3. Uber or Lyft—Both are available on Google Play, so put one of these on your new Samsung Galaxy Note5 from T-Mobile. Leave the driving to Uber and Lyft this season.
Happy New Year! Proper preparation can help ensure your holiday is merry, bright, healthy and accident free. Plus, we always have codes to help you keep fiscally safe and sound too, so shop with our discount codes for all your mobile device and service needs.
1. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/12/31/5-things-to-know-about-new-years-eve/?_r=0