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About LIDS

LIDS Team Sports is a full-service team uniform and apparel dealer, custom screen printer, embroidery and sporting goods distributor operating within Hat World, Inc. LIDS retail stores offer officially-licensed and branded college, major professional sports teams, as well as other specialty fashion categories all in the latest styles and colors. LIDS Locker Room is a mall-based retailer of sports headwear, apparel, accessories, and novelties. LIDS Clubhouse operates team-specific professional sports and university athletics retail stores and e-commerce websites. LIDS Team Sports is a full-service team uniform and apparel dealer, custom screen printer, embroidery and sporting goods distributor. But before you shop at LIDS, find yourself a coupon at PromoCodesForYou!

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  • 2 LIDS Deals Verified
  • 11 Offers Used Today
3.7/5 from 6 shoppers Vote

About LIDS

LIDS Team Sports is a full-service team uniform and apparel dealer, custom screen printer, embroidery and sporting goods distributor operating within Hat World, Inc. LIDS retail stores offer officially-licensed and branded college, major professional sports teams, as well as other specialty fashion categories all in the latest styles and colors. LIDS Locker Room is a mall-based retailer of sports headwear, apparel, accessories, and novelties. LIDS Clubhouse operates team-specific professional sports and university athletics retail stores and e-commerce websites. LIDS Team Sports is a full-service team uniform and apparel dealer, custom screen printer, embroidery and sporting goods distributor. But before you shop at LIDS, find yourself a coupon at PromoCodesForYou!

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