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6 LifeLock Deals Verified
33 Offers Used Today

About LifeLock

PromoCodesForYou is compensated for all sales generated through deal links. LifeLock identity theft protection uses innovative monitoring technology and alert tools to help proactively safeguard your credit and finances. They send you alerts for potential identity theft by text, phone, email, or mobile app. If identity theft does occur, a U.S.-based Identity Restoration Specialist, dedicated to you, will personally manage your case.

No one can prevent all identity theft.
† LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses.
‡‡ Phone alerts made during normal local business hours.
††† Reimbursement and Expense Compensation, each with limits of up to $25,000 for Standard, up to $100,000 for Advantage and up to $1 million for Ultimate Plus. And up to $1 million for coverage for lawyers and experts if needed, for all plans. Benefits provided by Master Policy issued by United Specialty Insurance Company (State National Insurance Company, Inc. for NY State members). Policy terms, conditions and exclusions at: LifeLock.com/legal

LifeLock Coupons & Promo Codes



LifeLock Coupons & Promo Codes

  • 6 LifeLock Deals Verified
  • 33 Offers Used Today
3.4/5 from 5 shoppers Vote

About LifeLock

PromoCodesForYou is compensated for all sales generated through deal links. LifeLock identity theft protection uses innovative monitoring technology and alert tools to help proactively safeguard your credit and finances. They send you alerts for potential identity theft by text, phone, email, or mobile app. If identity theft does occur, a U.S.-based Identity Restoration Specialist, dedicated to you, will personally manage your case.

No one can prevent all identity theft.
† LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses.
‡‡ Phone alerts made during normal local business hours.
††† Reimbursement and Expense Compensation, each with limits of up to $25,000 for Standard, up to $100,000 for Advantage and up to $1 million for Ultimate Plus. And up to $1 million for coverage for lawyers and experts if needed, for all plans. Benefits provided by Master Policy issued by United Specialty Insurance Company (State National Insurance Company, Inc. for NY State members). Policy terms, conditions and exclusions at: LifeLock.com/legal

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